The rules of time
travel are rooted in quantum physics. Understanding these rules reveals much
about the behavior of hyperdimensional beings and the reason for certain
metaphysical laws. Timeline dynamics is essentially about temporal feedback
loops between the present and its available range of probable futures. This is
just realm dynamics reinterpreted
from the perspective of linear time, which affords additional insights as you
will see. Although timeline dynamics sounds abstract, it has concrete
applications pertaining to manifesting positive synchronicities, deflecting
hyperdimensional manipulation, bending probability, and transcending matrix
The Nature of Linear Time
A good place to start
would be to recap the nature of time. Linear time is the constant flow of
variable futures into a single immutable past. Every moment of choice involves
multiple optional pathways into the future. Each path is a deterministic chain
of effects cascading forward like dominoes toward the next moment of choice
whereupon another branching takes place.
Viewed from a higher dimension, this
looks like an intricate roadmap where intersections and exits represent choice
points and the roads represent the causal consequence of those choices. The
entire roadmap exists at once, a simultaneous whole.
Linear time is the product of our minds moving
through the map, tracing out a route which becomes our remembered past. From
our perspective, the route is drawn in permanent marker – once drawn, it cannot
be erased.
Not so for beings who have transcended
linear time by becoming hyperdimensional. From their perspective, our pathway
through the network is comparable to a winding string pinned to the map with
thumb tacks.
The string represents the causal progression of
events, and the tacks represent our moments of choice. Multiple interacting
individuals weave a complicated web whose nodes are pinned in place by the
combined strength of their freewill.
An entity outside linear time can change the past
either by overriding a choice already made, or by inserting a new sequence of
events where freewill was absent and thus not violable. The string network may
be altered by repositioning a tack or creating a deviation in some loose
section of string. Obviously the latter is easier.
Except for feelings of deja vu, we would not
naturally notice a timeline edit since our memories would change as well. We
can trace the string back and find it winds a continuous path, meaning all
consequences of the timeline change are consistently accounted for by preceding
causes when examined. As a result, we normally remember only the most recent
edit as being the past that always was.
So from our perspective time is constant, singular,
and permanent. From a higher perspective, time is variable in its rate of flow
and selective in its configuration. Our perception of time, like the flow of
time within a movie or novel, is an illusion. The string exists from beginning
to end, simultaneously, but its path is open to revision. True time moves
forward not with the tick of a clock but the making of a choice. That which is
inevitable has already happened.
The seemingly irreversible flow of linear time has
its origins in quantum phenomena. Like a movie projector displaying successive
frames to create the illusion of motion, so does consciousness continuously
select from a stationary spectrum of realities which frame to experience next.
The nondeterministic (unpredictable) nature of choice is what creates this
one-way flow of time; at our level of existence, the collapse of a wave
function cannot be reversed, and it is this collapse which generates time as we
know it.
Quantum Physics of Time Travel
Last year (2005) an interesting paper appeared that
investigated the paradoxes of time travel in context of quantum physics.
Usually time travel is approached from the Relativity angle, involving black
holes or faster than light travel, whose requirements for application are too
immense to be practical. Fortunately, it turns out that the quantum
interpretation opens the door to understanding some basic fourth density
(beyond linear time) principles. What follows is a summary and discussion of
the paper by Daniel Greenberger and Karl Svozil titled Quantum Theory Looks at Time
From the abstract:
We introduce a quantum mechanical
model of time travel which includes two figurative beam splitters in order to
induce feedback to earlier times. This leads to a unique solution to the
paradox where one could kill one’s grandfather in that once the future has
unfolded, it cannot change the past, and so the past becomes deterministic. On
the other hand, looking forwards towards the future is completely
probabilistic. This resolves the classical paradox in a philosophically satisfying
From the conclusion:
According to our model, if you travel
into the past quantum mechanically, you would only see those alternatives
consistent with the world you left behind you. In other words, while you are
aware of the past, you cannot change it. No matter how unlikely the events are
that could have led to your present circumstances, once they have actually
occurred, they cannot be changed. Your trip would set up resonances that are
consistent with the future that has already unfolded.
This also has enormous consequences on
the paradoxes of free will. It shows that it is perfectly logical to assume
that one has many choices and that one is free to take any one of them. Until a
choice is taken, the future is not determined. However, once a choice is taken,
and it leads to a particular future, it was inevitable. It could not have been
otherwise. The boundary conditions that the future events happen as they
already have, guarantees that they must have been prepared for in the past. So,
looking backwards, the world is deterministic. However, looking forwards, the
future is probabilistic. This completely explains the classical paradox. In
fact, it serves as a kind of indirect evidence that such feedback must actually
take place in nature, in the sense that without it, a paradox exists, while
with it, the paradox is resolved. (Of course, there is an equally likely
explanation, namely that going backward in time is impossible. This also solves
the paradox by avoiding it.)
The model also has consequences
concerning the many-worlds interpretation of quantum theory. The world may
appear to keep splitting so far as the future is concerned. However, once a
measurement is made, only those histories consistent with that measurement are
possible. In other words, with time travel, other alternative worlds do not
exist, as once a measurement has been made confirming the world we live in, the
other worlds would be impossible to reach from the original one.
To more accurately rephrase what is said above, a
time traveler can only interact in a causal, physical, tangible manner with
pasts that inevitably evolve into the future from which the time traveler came.
Alternately, we in the present can only interact in a causal manner with time travelers
from the very future we are currently vectoring towards.
The rules of time travel may not be as strict as
this, however, since the paper ends by pointing to an alternate solution
implying that “less ’deterministic’ and fuzzier time traveling might be
possible.” Based on the mathematics alone, the paper shows that feedback loops
between the present and future can and probably do exist, that their existence
perfectly resolves time travel paradoxes by setting conditions on how the
future can interact with its past. But what exactly is “less deterministic” and
“fuzzier” time travel? Well, that question leads to the rest of this article.
A deterministic process is one where a perfectly
predictable chain of events follows some initial known cause. A nondeterministic
event cannot be predicted at all, merely described in terms of probabilities.
Clearly, freewill is absent in determinism and fully present in nondeterminism.
That a time traveler interacts deterministically with people in the past
implies he can violate their freewill by being the cause that evokes a definite
effect upon them. But then he can only do what he ended up doing anyway.
A fuzzier form of time travel is where a greater
range of pasts may be accessed at the expense of decreased determinism in the
interaction. In other words, the time traveler will have greater freedom to
visit alternate pasts if he is more respectful of freewill. This is not his
choice, rather it is a restriction enforced by the laws of quantum mechanics.
The more inconsistent a past with his timeline, the less “presence” the time
traveler will have while visiting.
By “presence” I mean two things: physical presence
and probabilistic presence. Either will enforce the preservation of freewill.
To lose physical presence means to become more ethereal. To lose probabilistic
presence means you will simply not be at the right place at the right time
doing the right thing to have any effect.
A time traveler can therefore visit any past at all
if he remains entirely invisible and nonphysical. This would be equivalent to
remote viewing the past. The more tangible he desires to be, the more
restricted the range of pasts he can visit. If he wants to be fully physical,
he can only enter the pasts that created his present. This is not speculation,
this follows directly from the mathematics shown in the paper by Greenberger.
Fuzzy Time Travel
Of greatest interest is the “gray” zone between
deterministic and nondeterministic interaction. Such “hybrid” interactions are
somewhat tangible but still respectful of freewill, mostly ethereal but
periodically physical, mostly subjective and only fleetingly objective.
Whatever does not outright violate freewill is allowed. Examples abound:
telepathic interaction, synchronistic signs and number sightings, contact
through the subjective screen of dreams, abductions made dubious through memory
wiping or screen memories, visitation in the etheric state, chance meetings
without proof of record, an inner voice quiet enough to be ignored, a
compulsion that biases but does not force, an experience meant only for a few,
Fuzzy time travel happens…all the time. Technically,
it is not time travel so much as one realm interacting with another in
regulated ways. But being that we still exist in the illusion of linear time,
much can be gleaned from thinking in terms of past, present, future, and the
feedback loops between these.
It follows that the more you vector towards a
particular probable future, the more tangible and objective your interaction
with that future becomes. Perhaps your upcoming choices will change your path
to a different set of probable futures, but for now whatever direction you are
moving towards will garner you feedback from that future. This has some
interesting implications.
Imagine for a moment that you are a time traveler
interacting very loosely with someone of the past. You would like to interact
more objectively, but quantum laws preserving freewill prohibit you. How, then,
can you achieve this without violating freewill? By using your limited range of
interaction to solicit or entrain the person into volitionally vectoring ever
closer towards your own timeline. The more this person’s probable futures
become your probable pasts, the more both of you become part of the same time
stream, and the more objectively you may interact.
Negative Hyperdimensional Entrainment
This technique of entrainment to achieve greater
deterministic influence is a favorite tactic of self-serving hyperdimensional
entities who find it profitable to enslave other souls. The more tangibly they
can do so, the less freewill their targets have to resist. From our linear time
perspective, these entities come from a very negative probable future and are
interacting with us now in dodgy but manipulative ways to entrain us into
reinforcing their timeline, either by becoming them, serving them, or not being
an obstacle to them. We know these entities more commonly as the negative
variety of gray, reptilian, mantis, and nordic alien factions. Not
surprisingly, their method of operation is entirely consistent with the quantum
mechanics of time travel. By manipulating rather than forcing their targets
toward spiritual slavery, they may ensnare souls on timelines more lush than
their own.
A fascinating but disturbing phenomenon happens to
people who get too paranoid, depressed, desperate, or fearful regarding matters
of darkness. Alien abductees, conspiracy researchers, paranormal investigators,
newbies to Matrix research – they are all vulnerable to enhancing the object of
their fears by getting too emotionally entangled. Fear vectors one toward a
probable future of vulnerability, initiating a feedback loop that ensures one
becomes vulnerable unless the vector switches orientation towards something
more emotionally and spiritually balanced.
Those obsessively fearful of grays will draw them
in, those obsessively paranoid of government monitoring will receive it, those
easily freaked out by the artificially synchronistic nature of the matrix will
be swarmed by weirdness. The feedback loop induces a self-reinforcing downward
spiral whereby traumatic experience creates fear and fear creates further
trauma. The person is always free to choose transcendence and break out of the
While negative emotional states lock one onto
negative futures, lack of resistance or enthusiastic support out of naivete
does the same. For instance, another way to increase the objective
manifestation of negative aliens in your life is by happily supporting them,
calling for them, beckoning to interact with them. While fear is completely
lacking, you still reinforce their timeline and thereby increase how much force
they can use against you. The interaction may even be of a “warm and fuzzy”
nature but if out of ignorance you help what ends up being a hostile agenda,
the timeloop grows in strength. Beyond a certain point it becomes very
difficult to break out, especially since the increased objectivity of
interaction affords them more thorough avenues for abduction, programming,
implantation, and control. This undermines your ability to resist. So these
dark forces work either by entraining you emotionally into vectoring towards
them or deceiving/suppressing you intellectually into supporting them.
Positive Hyperdimensional Entrainment
Enough on darkness. Let’s discuss how to apply the
quantum mechanics of time travel towards positive ends. The first and most
obvious application is strengthening one’s connection with positive forces,
namely the Higher Self. The second application is in forcing reality to correct
perturbations to well-established feedback loops via miracles, as shall be
explained shortly.
What is the Higher Self? Simply the final version of
you that has become fully manifest in potential. Should your conscious
evolution continue indefinitely, it is inevitable that sooner or later you
would reach the heights of individual spiritual perfection, a state in which
your wisdom and power has grown profound and your mind has fully transcended
the limits of time and space. While that is yet to occur, its inevitability
means it has already happened. If your future self transcends time, then its
consciousness may naturally extend “backwards” and overlap the consciousness of
all its past incarnations simultaneously.
In other words, although from your linear perspective
the Higher Self is a distant probable future, ultimately this future perfected
self exists right now alongside you. According to the quantum principle
discussed in this article, the more you vector towards becoming the Higher
Self, the more objectively the Higher Self can interact with you. A weak
connection means its guidance is limited to faint intuitive impressions,
symbolic dreams, certain synchronicities, and so on. A stronger connection
would allow direct inner conversation, which is clearly more objective than
vague impressions. The voice of the Higher Self is often described as a “small,
still voice” meaning an inner knowing that is easily drowned out by mental
distractions. A prolonged and sincere effort to think, feel, and act like the Higher
Self — to live from the highest part of you, the heart of your soul — increases
the feedback loop and widens your capacity to act as a channel for your future
self. You are then merging with who you truly are. The prodigal son returns
Whatever you want to connect with, simply support
it, reinforce it, try to become it. People who pray to Jesus from the
standpoint of weak beggars receive no response because they are vectoring
towards a future of disempowerment and victimhood, a direction opposite to what
the Christ represents, and so they receive little feedback. Those who call upon
the divine impulse within, recognize it, and do their best to express it
receive reinforcement.
Manifesting Miracles
Another application of quantum time travel laws pertains
to the creation of miracles. A miracle is a highly improbable but meaningful
event that serves a recognizably positive purpose. Some miracles are
intentionally inserted into the timeline as a matter of divine intervention,
but they also happen as a consequence of natural law. “Leap and the net will
appear” is proven through experience, but its explanation is most elegantly
handled by timeline dynamics as follows:
There exists a bundle of probable pathways between
the present moment and some particular future. The straightest path is the most
probable and mundane, while the more deviating paths are less probable. The
greater the deviation, the more fantastic or bizarre the correction necessary
to ensure that future. So if you can stay locked onto a particular future, any
excursions you take that might upset its fulfillment merely brings you onto a
less probable path towards that same future, a path whose initial excursion is
redressed by a miraculous correction.
How to lock upon a particular future? By resonating
with it. Your soul vibrational spectrum, which is somewhat equivalent to your
emotional temperament or learning style, determines what range of probable
futures you resonate with most and therefore attract. The more hostile,
reactive, depressive, fearful, fanciful, passive, or jaded your regular mode of
being, the harsher and more painful the types of experiences attracted. The
more confident, attentive, serene, exultant, warmhearted, and patient you are, the
more your experiences will reinforce those qualities by being of a positive
You enter into temporal feedback with futures that
spawn from your current mode of being, a self-reinforcing process that keeps
you within the bundle of probable paths consistent with a resonant range of
futures. Once this feedback loop is established, you can then take risks that
merely send you on a more exciting trajectory towards the same successful
future. In other words, if through a positive state of mind you connect with a
positive future, then by maintaining that inner connection your experiences
will adjust accordingly to ensure everything works out.
The trick is in making your causal excursion as
nonchalantly as possible. Worry reorients your vector towards a disappointing
future. Anticipation constricts the quantum fluidity of a probable future and
prevents it from manifesting synchronistically. Remaining dispassionate when
taking a risk ensures that you maintain your original vector and stay within
the intended bundle of probable paths. It is much like telling a scriptwriter
that no matter what scene opens an act, the act must have a happy ending; then
the more perilous the opening scene, the more amazingly the plot must
transition to manifest a happy ending. If a month from now you will be
financially fine, then spending on something that assists your growth — and
thereby reinforces a positive future — guarantees that some miracle must
manifest to reimburse the purchase.
In a nutshell, according to quantum physics we are
caught in mutual feedback loops with all our probable futures. The greater the
probability of a particular future, the stronger the feedback loop, the more
tangibly beings from that future can interact with you in the present. By choosing
to become more positive and aware, you establish mutual reinforcement with
positive futures and thereby increase the number of miracles necessary to
evolve you into those futures. The enormous implications I will leave to your
imagination and experimentation.
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