Knowledge Is a Currency Of The Universe


Scientists were able to connect a person from Mumbai in India, and a person in Paris via wireless headphones connected to the internet. Although people have spent years and years exploring the existence and possibility of exchanging thoughts between two people without the mediation of known senses, so far no one has been able to prove the permanence of one of the greatest mysteries - telepathy. But scientists at Harvard University claim that they have finally managed to prove what many have not been able to do so far. According to them, telepathy could soon be recognized by science. A team of Harvard experts managed to send a 'mental message' from one person to another more than 6,500 kilometers apart. If this is indeed true, this could be the first evidence of the existence of telepathy on which thousands of scientific papers have been based so far, but no one has ever been able to prove the existence of this phenomenon. Scientists were able to connect a person from Mumbai in India, and a person in Paris via wireless headphones connected to the Internet, reports the Daily Mail. According to their scientific paper, when a person from India thought of the word ‘ciao’ (greeting), a person in France thought of the same word at the same time. Although the Frenchwoman did not understand the word 'ciao', ie its meaning, like a flash, the word passed through her mind. According to Harvard scientists, this is proof that technology can be used for a much larger purpose, such as broadcasting information from one person’s brain to another. 'We used state-of-the-art technology to connect the brains of two people,' explained Giulio Ruffini, a leading expert in neurosurgery. "We hope that this will affect radical changes in the way people communicate in the near future," Ruffini added.

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