Knowledge Is a Currency Of The Universe


“95% of the universe in still unknown,” Fabiola Gianotti, the Director General of CERN, explained in a presentation to staff at the World Economic Forum. “We are all driven by a shared passion for knowledge.”

In other words, however sophisticated we imagine our age of space exploration and self-driving cars to be, we are still staggeringly ignorant about almost everything in the universe.

CERN wants to change that. It is a grandiose undertaking that not only sheds light on the esoteric world of particle physics, but also on international collaboration, purpose and progress.

In one of the "marginal" theories, physicists suggest that the world's largest atomic collider at CERN could be used as a time machine to send certain matter into the past. Scientists point out that the LHC, a 17-mile-long particle accelerator located underground near Geneva, could be used as a carrier for a hypothetical particle called the Higgs boson in the past. Despite the fact that there are many if in this process, such as. whether the Higgs boson even exists, scientists are convinced of these possibilities. “Our theory is pretty amazing, but it doesn’t violate any of the existing physical laws or experimental possibilities,” physicist Tom Weiler of Venderbilt University said in a statement. If the theory proves to be true, this method will be used to send messages to the past, or even the future. 

Weiler and Chui Man Ho have already published a paper of the same name and the only issue is the discovery of the Higgs boson.

Christine Sutton describes the pioneering 1956 experiment that proved the existence of the neutrino, and how subsequent particle-beam experiments at CERN and elsewhere contributed to unearthing a further two neutrino types.


Christine Sutton describes the pioneering 1956 experiment that proved the existence of the neutrino, and how subsequent particle-beam experiments at CERN and elsewhere contributed to unearthing a further two neutrino types.

In July 1956, in a brief paper published in Science, a small team based at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in the US presented results from an experiment at a new, powerful fission reactor at the Savannah River Plant, in South Carolina. The work, they wrote, "verifies the neutrino hypothesis suggested by Pauli". Clyde Cowan, Fred Reines, Kiko Harrison, Herald Kruse and Austin McGuire had demonstrated for the first time that it was possible to detect neutrinos, setting in motion the new field of neutrino physics. The key ingredients were an intense source and a big detector, with more than a touch of ingenuity and patience.

More than two decades previously, in 1930, Wolfgang Pauli had proposed that the "energy crisis" in nuclear beta decay – presented by the continuous energy spectrum of the emitted electron – would be solved if the decaying nucleus also emitted a second, undetected particle. This would allow the energy released to be shared between three objects, including the recoiling nucleus, and so yield electrons with a range of energies, just as observed. The new particle had to be neutral and have a relatively small mass. Pauli called his proposal "a desperate remedy", in part because he thought that if such a particle did indeed exist, then it "would probably have long ago been seen". 

This article was originally published in the July/August 2016 issue of the CERN Courier.


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