Knowledge Is a Currency Of The Universe



The machine learning algorithms used today enable advanced data analysis and the construction of analytical models and systems that can learn from them, identify patterns in data and make decisions with minimal human intervention. The idea of ​​using such algorithms is not new. Ever since computers existed, we have been trying to program them to learn and infer on their own, but only today do we have the technology available to make that happen. In the beginning, machine learning algorithms could perform very simple tasks, and today they are iterative algorithms that can adapt to new data, learning from calculations and errors in previous iterations to produce a better result or make a better decision. In 1997, IBM's Deep Blue supercomputer defeated then-chess champion Gary Kasparov 2-1 in tournament conditions with three draws, a historic moment but also a shock to the world. Then the computer, ie. artificial intelligence surpassed man for the first time. If we were to compare computing power and data processing performance, today’s personal computer would surpass Deep Blue. By comparison, then the Deep Blue computer cost tens of millions of dollars, and today the price of a personal is less than $ 1,000. Hardware prices are constantly declining, and processing power, storage capacity and network bandwidth are constantly increasing and this is one of the main reasons for the rapid rise and growing popularity of artificial intelligence and machine learning. 

Should we humans be afraid of artificial intelligence or can we use it for our own needs? There are a number of questions that arise when it comes to UI.


Artificial intelligence is actually the ability of an inanimate system to independently and without human help have the ability to cope with new situations using a system of thinking and logical reasoning. Even among us humans, there are differences in the way we cope in the same situations. Although many types of so-called robots have been developed to date that can perform certain logical procedures independently, to date no system of unlimited artificial intelligence has been developed. So there is only one form of UI, and that is a limited UI that is able to perform a limited number of actions for which it is programmed and is not able to find solutions to new situations on its own.

What is artificial intelligence and what forms do we know today, if we think a little in everyday life, we use numerous applications and tools that have been developed on the basis of artificial intelligence. For example, take internet search engines, they work based on the words entered and search the internet for the search term. When we need to find out something, we will definitely search the internet. Mobile phones and smartphones need not be mentioned because they are an obvious example of UI.


The applications we use to, for example, monitor heart rate or steps taken or devices that do the same are also the answer to the question of what artificial intelligence is. Internet maps that help with navigation systems are something that drivers often use, they are the way the UI serves man.


There are numerous examples in which this limited artificial intelligence helps people in their daily activities on a daily basis. UI help can also be found in scientific research, medical research, manufacturing plants, space stations where there are no people, to applications that, for example, monitor the movement and analysis of stocks on major world stock exchanges or financial markets.

Application and what is artificial intelligence in certain segments of human activity, and where can it all be used? Artificial intelligence can be used in manufacturing industries in plants where certain robots can replace humans, also in mining. There is considerable application in both informatics and communication where applications can be found from graphics, the music industry, voice recognition, to design and visual technology.


Transport and the military are also activities that can help answer the question of what artificial intelligence is as areas of application. From military technology and equipment to marine engineering, it leads us to air transport, maritime transport, train transport, space technology and engineering, to the application of artificial intelligence in motor vehicles.


In the field of health, medicine and security, the use of artificial intelligence is multiple, from pharmaceuticals, biomedical engineering, biotechnology, sanitation, to fire protection and security engineering, video and other surveillance.


The use of artificial intelligence in the household also has its momentum because in households we use many appliances that have their own programs such as washing machines or dishwashers, irons, televisions. All of these devices use limited artificial intelligence to perform their functions. The application is numerous, and with the further development of technology, artificial intelligence is developing more and more.

It is important to understand that intelligence does not have just one dimension as temperature does. You can compare today's temperature with yesterday's, or you can compare the temperature in Helsinki with the temperature in Rome and say which is higher and which is lower. We often think that it is possible to rank people according to their intelligence, that is, that IQ should be used for that. However, in the context of artificial intelligence, it is obvious that different artificial intelligence systems, when it comes to their intelligence, cannot be compared on one axis or in one dimension. Is a chess game algorithm more intelligent than a spam filter? Is the music recommendation system more intelligent than an autonomous car? These questions make no sense because artificial intelligence is specialized (the meaning of the term specialized artificial intelligence will be explained at the end of this chapter): the ability to solve one problem tells us nothing about the ability to solve another, different problem. Of course, using the term "artificial intelligence" as a countable noun is not problematic if the claim is meaningful in itself, but if you want to speak like an expert, say "artificial intelligence method" instead of "one artificial intelligence".

"We need more artificial intelligence." That kind of sentence just sounds wrong, doesn't it?

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