Knowledge Is a Currency Of The Universe



New technologies bring with them new challenges, new knowledge, new opportunities and broad wings of creativity and innovation. Today's business of financial institutions is based on data: transactions, customer interactions, risk assessments, investment portfolios and more. Being ahead of the competition means being the first to gain knowledge from the ocean of data and turn that knowledge into money. Analysis of data in search of trends, patterns of behavior and comprehensive insight into business, allows for increased efficiency, regulatory compliance and revenue growth. Some new technology, called Big Data, will allow us to master vast amounts of data. But how do we know what data needs to be processed? What will happen to the analysis of that data, the results obtained, the decision-making? Aren't these some new jobs that are necessary to do business successfully in the new circumstances?

Automation is usually a way to make employees more efficient, and not necessarily to be replaced by supercomputers or robots. Let's not forget that all these technological innovations have made many jobs safer, easier to perform and certainly more productive. Also, let's not forget that people have always been able to create new jobs, acquire new skills, build new knowledge… And the choice of whether we want to step into something new is up to us. 

Technology has completely reversed education and learning methods. In the past, the processes of finding information as well as learning and teaching have been arduous and time consuming. Today, technology allows everyone quick and easy access to information, which greatly facilitates the learning process.

 For example, a survey presented by Samsung at the IFA 2019 shows that 73% of Europeans claim that television has improved their skills - whether it is learning a new foreign language, trying a new sport or volunteering. The evolution of television, which is visible in cutting-edge technological advances such as the variety of content available today and high-resolution 8K, has a significant and tangible impact on users ’lives. Aside from television, all it takes to learn and discover new things is a laptop or smart device and a strong internet connection.

Over the years, technological advances have brought countless opportunities that have changed our daily lives. So users of Samsung's robotic vacuum cleaners are free to enjoy the day while their little helper does a thorough cleaning. By choosing the best path, the robotic vacuum cleaner will easily reach hard-to-reach places under the bed or other furniture that the hand-held vacuum cleaner cannot reach.

If we consider technology as applied knowledge in overcoming certain specific goals, and if we accept Clifford Geertz's definition that culture is a set of “shared symbols” that allows for the needs of the individual within society are satisfied, then it is possible to conceptualize technology as a tool or practice that promotes cultural functions and thus helps

individuals to meet their needs. According to Geertz, culture is human a creation in which the meanings of cultural values ​​are networked in a contractual

relationship, although it is possible to determine the technology in that direction, despite the fact that it is more a product of active knowledge than meaning. In other words, technology is more about applying theories to everyday problems. Due to moreover, when cultural needs “meet” with technology, development occurs new needs, essentially produced by this very technology. New technologies are emerging as the need to meet new needs, new ones needs indicate the emergence of new technology, etc. This is exactly how technology is appears as a mirror and shaper of the culture she supports and is therefore applied technologies or similar theories differ in different cultures. Today, it is very difficult to determine in which direction technological progress is leading us. There is no doubt that technological advances bring very positive effects, but they do not we must forget that the negative effects are also an integral part of it. It is worrying that this progress, according to some authors, creates more problems rather than offering solutions.

But it’s not just time that has been hit by the development of technology. Space, that is, the environment in which the human being was integrated and directly connected, gained completely different dimensions with the development of technology.

 The development of technology has a great impact on social interaction and transmission of cultural content. Any part of cultural content that can be digitized can be instantly available worldwide in almost a second via modern technology (the Internet in the first place). Thus, artists and musicians could send their works, promote themselves and their culture, influence the change of cultural context and the like.

Our brain changes using a computer, tablet, or smartphone, but it also changes using a pen, screwdriver, or any other tool. Our experiences shape the behavior of our brains, so the real question we need to ask would be, "How does our brains adapt to modern technology?"

"There is a connection between the time we spend on social networks and increased dissatisfaction. We see a lot of idealized images on social media that activate the areas of the brain responsible for fear and anxiety, "Sigman told the British magazine BBC Focus.

The blue light produced by your screen deceives your pineal gland which stops producing melanin. In the scientific journal Preventive Medicine (2016), scientists found a significant association between social media use and sleep disorders. This is of primary concern because there is a proven link between depression and lack of sleep. We also associate lack of sleep with obesity and poor academic performance. The trend of automation, which we are witnessing a bit, puts the idea of reducing friction for the user in the foreground. Unobtrusive and ubiquitous technology in this case is something we use without being aware of it, and only our being and behavior activates a process. The impact of technology increases tenfold when it becomes woven into everyday life. The more invisible it becomes, the more it connects us to the essentials. We are surrounded by many other technological solutions that would welcome new thinking, and do not carry with them so many moral issues.


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