There is evidence to suggest that our world and everyone in it - from snowflakes to maple trees, shooting stars and spinning electrons - are just ghost-like images. A projection from a level of reality that is so beyond ours that it is literally beyond both space and time. The main architects of this astonishing idea are among the world’s most eminent thinkers: University of London physicist David Bohm, Einstein’s protégé and one of the world’s most respected quantum physicists; and Karl Pribram, a neuropsychologist at Stanford University, and author of the classic neuropsychological textbook Languages of the Brain. What is most striking about the holographic model is that it suddenly gave meaning to a wide range of phenomena that are so incomprehensible that they are generally classified outside the realm of scientific understanding.
These phenomena include telepathy, clairvoyance, mystical feelings of oneness with the universe and even psychokinesis, or the ability of the mind to move physical objects without anyone touching them. Indeed, the growing number of scientists who have embraced the holographic model has quickly become apparent that this new model has helped explain virtually all paranormal mystical experiences, and has continued to inspire researchers over the past 5-6 years, and explain the hitherto inexplicable.
The energy of a trillion atomic bombs in every cubic centimeter of space If our universe is just a pale shadow of a deeper order, which still lies hidden, twisted at the base and weft of our reality, Bohm has a suggestion. According to our current understanding of physics, each part of space is flooded with different types of fields composed of waves of varying wavelengths. Each wave always possesses at least a little energy. When physicists calculate the minimum amount of energy a wave can possess, they come to the conclusion that every cubic centimeter of empty space contains energy greater than the energy of all matter in the known universe!
Some physicists refuse to take this calculation seriously because they believe there must be an error somewhere. Bohm holds that this infinite ocean of energy exists, and that it tells us at least something about the vast and hidden nature of the implicit order. He believes that most physicists ignore the existence of this vast ocean of energy because, like fish that are unaware of the water in which they swim, they have learned to focus primarily on objects embedded in the ocean - matter. Bohm's view that space is as real and rich in processes as matter moving through it reaches its full maturity in his ideas of an implicit sea of energy. Matter does not exist independently of the sea, of the so-called empty space. She is part of the space. To explain what he means, Bohm makes the following analogy: a crystal cooled to absolute zero will allow a stream of electrons to pass through it without scattering them. If the temperature rises, various irregularities in the crystal will, so to speak, lose their transparency and begin to scatter electrons. From an electron's point of view, such irregularities would look like pieces of "matter" floating in a sea of nothingness, but that's not really the point. Nothingness and pieces of matter do not exist independently of each other. They are both part of the same tissue - a deeper order of crystals.
Bohm believes the same is true for our own level of existence. The space is not empty. It is full - plenum versus vacuum. It is the foundation of all existence, including the existence of ourselves. Our world is not separated from that cosmic sea of energy, it is a ripple on its surface, a relatively small “pattern of excitement” in the middle of an unimaginably vast ocean. This pattern of excitation is relatively autonomous and is the cause of approximately repetitive, constant and separable projections into a three-dimensional explicit order of manifestations, Bohm points out. In other words, despite its obvious materiality and enormous size, the universe does not exist in and of itself but is the stepson of something far larger and harder to express. Moreover, the universe is not even the main product of that larger “something,” but only a shadow in passing, a mere hiccup in the larger arrangement of things. That endless sea of energy is not all that is hidden in the implicit order. Since the implicit order is the basis from which everything in our universe was born, it at least contains every subatomic particle that has existed or will exist; every possible configuration of matter, energy, life, and consciousness, from the quasar to the Shakespearean mind, from the double helix to the forces that govern the sizes and shapes of galaxies. And even that is not all it can contain. Bohm admits that there is no reason to believe that implicit order is the end of all things. It is possible that there are other unimagined orders behind it, endless stages of further development.
In the 1970s, a two-particle experiment described by Bell became available, and a large number of different physicists attempted to perform the task. Although the discoveries were promising, no one was able to get the final results. Then in 1982, physicists Alain Aspect, Jean Dalibard and Gerard Roger of the Institute of Optics at the University of Paris succeeded. First, by heating calcium atoms with lasers, they produced a series of twin photons. They then allowed each of the electrons to travel in opposite directions through a six-and-a-half-meter-long tube and pass through special filters that directed them toward one of two possible polarization analyzers. It took each filter ten billionths of a second to move from one analyzer to another, about thirty billionths of a second less than the light it took to travel a full thirteen meters separating each set of photons. Thus, Aspect and his colleagues were able to rule out any possibility that photons could communicate with each other by any known physical process.
And perhaps that is why the beings of light tell us over and over again that the purpose of life is learning. Indeed, we are on the Shamanic Journey, real children struggling to become experts in the sacred. We learn how to deal with the plasticity that is an integral part of the universe in which the mind and reality are a continuum, and on that journey one lesson rises above all others. As long as the formlessness and astonishing freedom of the other world frighten us, we will continue to dream for ourselves of a hologram that is comfortably solid and clearly defined. However, we must always keep in mind Bohm’s warning that the conceptual categories we use to dissect the universe are our own creation. They do not exist "out there", because "out there" is only indivisible completeness. Brahman. And when we outgrow a certain set of conceptual categories, we must always be ready to go further, to progress from the state of mind to the state of mind, as Sri Aurobindo said, and from enlightenment to enlightenment. Because, our purpose seems to be as simple as it is infinite.
We, as Aboriginal people say, are just learning how to survive in infinity.
Source: Michael Talbot - Holographic Universe
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