Knowledge Is a Currency Of The Universe


The Antarctic is all around us. It's the icy expanse that surrounds us. In the distance of this expanse are hidden continents. Hidden by ruling elites at the cost of living. Any attempt by boat or plane was prevented, sunk and declared missing. According to the old maps of Japan, there are lost worlds that were known before and have been written about and mentioned throughout history. But this imposed system back 500 years hid all the evidence and the departure behind the ice wall, ... Antarctica A growing society is convinced of the theory that the earth is actually flat. They organize conventions, cruises, plan television shows, and future expeditions to "uncover" the truth to the rest of us. Even controversial YouTuber Logan Paul recently said he wants to travel to the end of the Earth and will release a documentary called "The Flat Earth: To the Edge and Back" which could soon premiere. Most authors dealing with this topic, including the Forbes journalist, do not believe in a flat Earth. 

Part of that community is planning an expedition to Antarctica - organized by Colin O'Brady - to prove their claim to Earth as a plaque. Most recently, Logan Paul attended the Flat Earth International Conference in Denver and spoke publicly about his interest when it came to the subject. There he made a YouTube documentary and talked about it with founder Robbie Davidson. "I consider myself a man of truth and science. Someone who hates being ignorant. I'm not ashamed to belong to this club, I'm going out in public as Flat Earther. I want to know the facts. Why we haven't been in the moon for over 50 years, the fact that our moon has its own light. Some of the best scientists can't explain gravity; Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Bill Nye, and lastly, do they know at all? I want to research for myself and always have an open mind, not that some stigma prevents me from doing so, "he said. Logan is thrilled with the idea of ​​trekking across Antarctica in hopes of being the first to reach the "wall." "I'm the one who's going to get to the edge," he says.

 But the issues arising from this which have not been fully explained and taken into account that we do not believe in this theory is how it is possible to see ships out in the open even after many kilometers when they should be below the level of visibility due to the curvature of the ground, or the aircraft are they following the path they are currently going and that is not a straight path but a curved one ??? but let's go back to the Antarctic, which is interesting on its own as a topic, because one of the interesting facts is that there is not a single image of the Antarctic that is not made up of multiple parts, as NASA itself admits. 

 Why is access to Antarctica banned? In 1956 (Richard E. Byrd) last led a free expedition and they failed to cross the Antarctic, because, as he says, they were stopped by a large wall (the so-called Byrd wall)! In 1953, Byrd in a television interview stated that it was a continent larger than the United States. Rich in coal, uranium, nickel and other ores. Many countries wanted some of these resources: Russia, Australia and Brazil. And then in 1959, 47 countries all of a sudden agreed jointly to accept the Antarctic Treaty and give up resources altogether. They want us to believe that the Antarctic is constantly shifting, and in fact it is all around us as is seen on the flat earth model. Is there still land behind Antarctica? The Antarctic Treaty and related agreements, collectively referred to as the Antarctic Treaty System, regulate international relations related to Antarctica, the only uninhabited continent on Earth. For the purposes of the treaty system, Antarctica is defined as the entire mainland and all ice sheets south of 60 °. The charter was signed by 46 countries, including the Soviet Union and the United States. The Antarctic Charter prohibits military activity and permits scientific research. This is the first arms control agreement signed during the Cold War. The main treaty was opened for signature on December 1, 1959, and entered into force on June 23, 1961. The original signatories were the 12 Antarctic States active during the International Geophysical Year (1957-58). which accepted the invitation of the United States to attend the conference at which the treaty negotiations were being conducted. These were Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Chile, France, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, USSR, United Kingdom and USA. Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings are held annually as an international forum for managing the area. Only 28 states out of 46 states have the right to decide at these meetings. These meetings brought about 200 recommendations (agreements) ratified by the governments of the States Parties. Together with the main contract, these agreements together form the contract system.

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